Sunday, 26 June 2011

26th June, been busy

Well it's been a while since my last post, been rather busy of late.

Last weekend we had the 'first' party of the Barrington party season, It was a much smaller than usual afair (I needed to see how I would handle it) but great all the same. Loved all the outfits, it was so much fun getting everything together it's now got me in the mood to have many more this year! Plans for the Wild West Extravaganza are well underway.

It was Chris and Jenni's wedding yesterday and what a lovely wedding it was. Can't believe Jenni made all that bunting! It was beautiful all of it. So lovely to see them together and the speak Chris made bought tears to my eyes (I cry through most of it I must admit). I even lasted until 11 o'clock (I did suffer with tummy ache from about 7 though, but of of the villagers fetched me a hot water bottle). Paul and I even had a couple of dances.

Since my last post we (thats me and my sisters) have also been interviewed by Cancer Reasearch UK as they are focusing on lung cancer awareness this year and have been in all the local papers.

Got a busy month ahead now! Going to 'Australia' next weekend lol well 'Australia' in a field near Nottingham. For the Kangaroo Doo courtesy of lovely friend Chris and family. Then off to York staright after for a couple of days. We don't need to go at the weekend we have all week and it was cheaper! lol.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Saturday 11th

Whilst in Cornwall I was contacted by the hospital (xray dept) and given an appointment for a CT scan for last Friday. I was a bit taken aback and concerned as my oncologist had said 2-3 months for the first scan to see if the treatment is working and this was only 6 weeks! My emossions were all over the place as 'what if they were scanning me too soon for the treatment to be working' and subsequently the treatment would be stopped! I was even more concerned and annoyed when I found out that pharmacy had asked for the scan as the treatment was 'expensive'!!!

Low and behold I went for the scan and on tuesday I found out that not only was the treatment working but the tumour had shrunk from 11cms to 8.5cms in only 6 weeks! It makes the spots and rashes all worth it. There will now be no question to me continuing with the treatment and my next scan is 3 months time.

I have also found (and joined) a forum calles 'Inspire' there are lots of people on there who are living with and surviving lung cancer even with advanced inoperable lung cancer like me. All of this has really given me hope and for the first time since this happened I feel that I can actually feel excited about life and not feel flat as I have been.

I am trying to cut the morphine down and hope that in the next couple of weeks I will be off it completely! That will be great news for my bowels!

Got a busy few weeks ahead now! Wedding reception tonight (congratualtions Dave & Andrea) Punk Party next saturday (need to figure out how to upload photo's on here!) Chris and Jenni's wedding the week after (Paul is best man xx) and then off to York to stay in a posh hotel the week after that! Then amongst all this I will be trying to find a nice holiday for Paul and me to go on straight after my next oncology and chemo appt! No chance of my retirement becoming boring!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Sunday 5th June

A lovely peaceful quiet Sunday morning....boy do I need the rest. We haven't stopped since we got back from cornwall. Just been for my Sunday morning walk with Victoria and am having 5 minutes writing this blog and watching Gok before going to the shop to buy bits for paul to cook Sunday lunch!

The week away has done me the world of good....I feel much calmer (not that I wasn't quite cam anyway) I don't feel ill although I don't feel the same as before. I feel that I can look forward to things and get excited about things and not feel as 'flat' as I did before. I almost feel back to normal as far as having a life is concerned, I just haven't got as much energy yet!

I am also now officially retired!!!! Not by choice (I wasn't ready for it yet) by neccessity! haven't got any money yet though, It's going to take 2-3 weeks! As soon as it comes I'm booking a holiday abroad for me and Paul and going shopping! I've always wanted to go on a spree with £2000 as per Trinny and Suzanna so I'm going to do it lol!

Just waiting now for a decision on the life insurance, then It will be full steam ahaed to finnish the extension and Paul and I can just get on with enjoying life together and loving each other.