Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Tuesday 26th

! week now since I started chemo.....the only thing I am suffering from is loss of appetite, eating because I need to, but never feel hungry. Oh and feeling slightly nauseas...Oh and a very dry mouth and always feeling thirsty. Oh and a bit of tummy ache. Not bad at all, I just hope its working!

Its ben a lovely sunny weekend, and been out and about and in the garden. Did have a bit of a wobble on Sunday. It's very hard to not have this monster in your mind raising its ugly head all of the time.

I am trying to be normal but the usual things you think about are no longer there, like planning next years holiday, well planning anything for the future really, saving up for those designer shoes I've always wanted. I no longer have an income...or time. 


  1. Forgot to say....Victoria has raised a whopping £700 + for cancer research climbing Mount Snowdon. Hope this is the first of many fund raising events! Well done Victoria xx

  2. Small fairy steps to start,..... then massive strides in the future with your designer shoes on hun, cos thats the way you roll :0)xxxxx
